Your dream home within reach. Let us create the space that tells your story. Design Your Home, life follows...

Virtual Interior Design Packages- Home-ssance Collection

  • Choose a package

    Pick the design

    service that

    suits your needs.

  • Send us your room details

    Send us an email at You will receive a very short questionnaire to complete and send back with your room pictures, dimensions,and a few inspiration images.

  • Where the magic happens

    We will create a beautiful and practical

    space that reflects

    your style and needs.

  • Receive your final design

    Depending on the package

    you purchased, you will receive

    your design.

    Enjoy your new space!

Why Choose Us?

Have you ever looked at your space and wondered: What story does it tell? My journey in interior design has completely changed my perspective.

There was a time when I viewed interior design solely through the lens of aesthetics. I loved beautiful spaces, trendy decor, and striking colors. But as I journeyed deeper into this world, my perspective began to shift.

Growing up, It wasn’t until we finally settled into our own home that everything shifted. Suddenly, I felt a deep connection to my surroundings—a sense of belonging that I had been missing.

I started to see design as a reflection of our passions and stories—a way to express who we truly are. I realized that a home is more than just walls and furniture; it’s a sanctuary that holds our memories, our dreams, and our essence.

This transformation inspired me to create Home-ssance (my Virtual Interior Design Services), a space where every detail speaks to the heart and soul of its inhabitants. It’s about renewal, evolution, and crafting environments that resonate deeply.

So, I ask you: How can your space reflect your passions and tell your story? Let’s embark on this journey together.


Let me introduce myself

She wanted sky. She drew wings!

Hey! I'm Sara Ghalayini - A free spirit, mother and artist with A Thing For Styling. I help you create beautiful and practical spaces on a budget. 
I believe that our homes should reflect who we are, where we've been, where we are in our life now and who we want to become.

My designs tell stories of freedom and beauty, because those who want sky, draw their own wings.

  • I'd love to connect with you on Instagram @athingforstyling

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